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Project Schedule: Gantt Chart

In order to have a easier way of looking at the overall timescale of the project a Gantt chart was created as shown below.

To be able to view the Gantt chart in a more clear pdf file, right click on the Gantt chart (A new window will open).

Extra Explanation on some tasks:


4. Literature Review

This is were all secondary objective are due to be researched. In addition main objectives related to literature will also be carried out in this period.



7. Web Poster Updating

This will occur two weeks after the the first interm, to allow for time to receive feedback and make adjustments. The second will be after the final submission bearing in mind that not all results will be published on the website, in case the results were to be submitted for a publication.


10. Laboratory Generic Training

This is not meant to be for two weeks, instead rather two days. Reason for putting two weeks is that a certain time is not yet set. This will need to be agreed to with the laboratory supervisor and the other MEng thesis running in parallel with this one. In this lab methods such as pressure release of the methane in the reactor will be taught.


13. Extended Literature Review

As the experiment is being carried out there might be extra parameters that need to be checked against literature values. Also if time permits secondary objectives could be exploited in greater depth if needed.


17. Thesis Write-up

The reason for planning to start early is that experimental data could consume a large amount of time. Therefore it could be more efficient to include it in the thesis as the post digestion experiment runs. 



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