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Main Aim

Optimise anaerobic digestion (AD) in order to enhance its biomethane potential.




  1. Study the effect of co-digestion of food waste with macroalgae, in terms of biogas production.

  2. Research the effects of different pre-treatment methods on biogas production and compare results with another research teams at Edinburgh University who are conducting similar experiments with the same substrate yet with different pre-treatment methods.

  3. Review the effect of contamination on Anaerobic digestion and compare results from this experiment with another research team at Edinburgh University who are using the same substrate yet injecting contaminant into it.

  4. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis looking at the amount of energy needed that goes into the AD process, in pre-treatment for example compared to the amount of energy, in form of biogas, produced. The analysis would also include water footprint analysis.

  5. Appreciate the degree relevance of the laboratory scale experiment in comparison to real scale AD process in a plant. 



Secondary Aim

Present a holistic case for Anaerobic Digestion by looking at different aspects including economical, environmental, social and ethical aspects. The main focus is to encourage policy makers to invest more into the development of AD by highlighting their rising potential.




  1. Research the historic and current uses of anaerobic digestion, including those unrelated with food waste and algae, and try to predict patterns on the future development of anaerobic digestion over the next quarter of a century for example.

  2. Review case studies from developed countries that are currently leading in anaerobic digestion sector such as Germany, in order to determine scale of potential for the UK to take advantage of such technology.

  3. Review market reports and studies looking into the economics of AD in the UK.

  4. Conduct a cost analysis with regard to the amount of energy intake needed in comparison to the output energy from Anaerobic digestion.

  5. Reviewing the literature in order to find a way to utilise the carbon dioxide resulting from the anaerobic digestion.

    and time permitting;

  6. Investigate the applicability of anaerobic digestion for micro-generation and use in rural areas, especially poorer ones. This could include countries that used AD for decades such as China, and investigate the potential of utilising existing AD plants by including macroalgae as a co-substrate.


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